The Complexity of Man (2023)

GM Spencer Avatar

Painting: Oil on Canvas

Painted: 2023

Size: 9” x 12”

Owner: In storage                                                                                                                                                          

Music Selection: “Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto” by Styx

This is a very small canvas. It was an experiment in color, lines, and geometrical shapes woven together to create a form. Elon Musk announced a warning about Artificial Intelligence (AI), so I looked at some of the work done by AI and it was actually good. The difference is a computer cannot be creative. They can only reproduce a representation asked for by some type of description in text. Can a computer see the image on this canvas? Can it appreciate the layers of color? Could a computer create this image with no direction?  Photography ended the need for a painter. The question is, will AI replace the artist? Man is far more complex a creature and has one thing AI can never have and that is imagination. In a world of concrete and form man can mentally disconnect and see new visions of what could be. AI must live within the constraints of its rules, steps, and equations. Man’s imagination cannot be put in a box.